Thursday, July 29, 2010

Stairs - My Arch Nemesis

Stairs - I HATE stairs! I am sure this is a throw-back to my days when I was really sick. Stairs totally gassed me so I learned to avoid them at all costs. But, somehow when I started feeling better, my brain continued to look at stairs as my arch nemesis.

What to do?

Well, this week I realized that one of the reasons that I struggle with stairs is that I think about walking up 120 stairs to get to my 6th floor office and realize immediately that all those stairs are outside my realm of possibility. So, I avoid them all together.

This week, I changed my thinking. I figured I would walk up one or two flights before I catch the elevator. As time moves on, I'll continue to add a flight as I do better. Than, before you know it, I'll be trotting up six flight of stairs to my office!

Remember ... every expert was once a beginner.

1 comment:

  1. ‎"Never be afraid to try, remember...Amateurs built the ark, Professionals built the Titanic."
