The American Society for Microbiology was curious: Just how many people wash their hands after using a public restroom? So, they called over 1,000 people across the U.S. and asked them. Nearly all - 95% - claimed that hand-washing was a regular practice after ... well, after going to the bathroom.
But, as all good researchers know, what people say they do and what they actually do are not always in synch.
So, those sneaky microbiologists decided to hang out in public restrooms and see what people actually did. It turns out that one in three people actually didn't wash up before leaving the restroom.
So, here's the question: Do you really need to wash your hands or is it all a bunch of hype?
Germs stick to hands. The next time you touch something - a person, an ATM, a stair railing - you transfer and spread your germs.
The same holds true when you touch something that another germy person has touched. Their germs can transfer colds, flues, and viruses over to you.
So, bottom line, do as mom told you and regularly wash your hands ... with soap and water!
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