Wednesday, October 6, 2010

An Apple a Day DOES Keep the Doctor Away!

It turns out that the doctors of yesteryear knew what they were talking about when they proclaimed, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

Did you know that an average size apple contains the following: 

  •  4 g dietary fiber
  •  10 mg Calcium
  •  10 mg Phosphorus
  •  .25 mg Iron
  •  159 mg Potassium
  •  8 mg Vitamin C
  •  73 IU Vitamin A
  •  4 mcg Folate

What's the price of all this goodness?  81 calories + 21 g carbohydrates + 0 salt + virtually no fat.

If you're not convinced, read on.

BNET Health Publications offers up the following benefits:

1. Apples' fiber, pectin, antioxidants, and other compounds can lower bad (LDL) cholesterol and raise good (HDL) cholesterol. 

2. The flavonoids and other phytochemicals in apples help protect against lung and colon cancer. 

3. Apples contain boron, a mineral that helps maintain bone density and protect against heart disease. 

4. The tannins prevent tooth decay, gum disease and urinary-tract infections. 

5. Eating an apple a day (with skin) can guard against stroke. 

6. The vitamins and antioxidants in apples may help prevent age-related vision loss. 

7. The quercetin (a flavonoid) may fight cancer better than vitamin C does. 

8. Apples are a good source of folic acid, a B vitamin that helps prevent serious birth defects as well as heart disease.

It's apple season now.
Go buy a bag of apples and enjoy!

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