People that live by this adage go into a workout with determination and vigor. They try to accomplish in one workout what should be accomplished over a longer period of time. They push themselves to the limit, stressing every muscle in their body. They limp away from their workout gratified that they took pain head-on and won.
Until the next day.
They wake up the next day and every muscle in their body screams. Even small little tasks, like walking up a flight of stairs or bending down to tie their shoes makes them wince in pain.
And then what happens?
Well, they skip a workout either right away or a few days down the road. Why? Not only because it hurts, but because they realize that working out really isn't fun. It has become a chore. And who likes to do chores?
So, how should you approach your workouts?
You definitely should work hard and give it your all ... but not to the point where you are in agony. Instead, push yourself to the point where you are a bit uncomfortable. Then, add 5 more minutes on to your walk/run or do 5 more push-ups. Just that little bit more to push yourself to the next level without killing yourself.
My theory on no pain, no gain?
No Pain, No Gain, No Way.
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