Saturday, August 28, 2010

Stop the Negative Self-Talk...Now!

It seems like everywhere you're turning these days, someone is talking about losing weight. And once you get a bit older, all we talk about is how we're NOT losing weight.

In order to lose weight, we all need to start at the same place ... with our attitude. Too often, we berate ourselves for our weight.

We look in the mirror as we get ready for our day and say, "I''m fat."
We grab the tire around our waist and squeeze it, thinking "I'm fat."
We try a new shirt on at the store and think, "I look terrible."

All that negative talk adds up to a big fat ball of negative influence in our lives. What would we do if our spouse or friend or even doctor talked to us like that? We likely would think they were out of place. We might start to like them less. Ultimately, we may decide we don't even want them in our life anymore. So, why is it okay to talk to ourselves that way?

Starting this moment, try to be kinder to yourself. Understand that "fat" does not have to be how you define yourself.

"A strong positive mental attitude will create
more miracles than any wonder drug."
Patricia Neal

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